
Hey There! we will be using this blog through out the course, so you'd better tag this page!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Multinational Seminar.

How do I introduce myself?

Write a list of things you would share with someone you just met.

Open this link in another tab, listen to the recording and answer the questions.

Organize your information in the form of a presentation.

Is there any personal information we don't normally talk about with someone new?

Now open this link on a new tab. Listen to the questions and answer the exercise

Based on your presentation, and the previous exercise write some questions to ask somebody at the seminar.

Mingle and form groups of three people at the seminar, share information asking each other questions.
Be ready to report to the class.

Now follow this link, click "Test your English-Test 1, select 15 questions and answer the test.
How did you do?

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